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Friday, November 04, 2005 

Who Am I Anyhow?

This is a topic I have given a lot of thought to recently. Who am I? And why? What do I like and dislike? What are my passions?

So far I have not come up with any miraculous answers, but I'm working on it.

I think as a stay home mom you have a tendency to lose your identity if you are not careful. It's so easily done! I mean, between caring for a husband and children and a household who has time for anything else? You have to make time for yourself and when you do that most times you feel guilty for it. Like right now, for instance, I have so many things I should be doing, however I'm sitting here contemplating my identity. BUT if I didn't take the time to do this how would I continue to be a real person and not just a wife/mother/slave. Ya know? It's hard finding a balance between the two evils.

I've been home for over 6 years now. By that I mean I've been out of the workforce for that long. I've been concentrating my time and energy on my household and family all of this time. And somewhere along the way I have forgotten to take care of myself. I am now a husk of a being, no longer filled with anything but thoughts and love for my family. While these things are important I also feel it's important to start rebuilding my insides with things that I enjoy and have passion for.

Where do I begin? I'm still at the decision phase, trying to determine what I feel passionate about. This is a hard process! Who knew it could be so hard to identify yourself?!

As I end my random thoughts here I hope I will be able to post soon about what I have found out about myself. For now I'm off to contemplate my destiny some more.